AMW Download page

This page contains instructions on how to install AMW. There are three options:

Fully executable bundle

Description This bundle is a ready-to-use version of AMW. It contains :
  • Eclipse 3.6.1
  • EMF 2.6.1
  • ATL 3.1.1
  • AMW 2.0
  • a workspace with 2 projects containing the UML2Java scenario
ATL version ATL 3.x
ZIP file with the sources
Java version Java-SE 1.6
Installation instructions Dowload the zip with the sources using the link above and unzip the files. Click on Eclipse to open it. The workspace with the examples is already configured and ready to use.


Description The AMW binaries are a set of Eclipse plug-ins.
Build date January, 06th 2011
ATL version 3.x
Eclipse version Helios Modeling Bundle or Eclipse 3.6.1
EMF version 2.6.1
Zip file
Java version Java-SE 1.6
More info The binaries should be extracted into the Eclipse/plugins folder
. See the installation instructions below.
Installation instructions
  1. Download Eclipse and follow the site installation instructions.
  2. Download and install EMF.
  3. Download and install the ATL plugins.
  4. Download and unzip into your Eclipse/plugins folder, then restart Eclipse.
  5. Install the UML2Java projects into your workspace (instructions below).
Optionally, steps 1-3 can be simplified by installing the Eclipse Modeling tools bundle. It has several modeling components already installed (249Mb).

UML2Java scenario

Description The UML2Java scenario uses AMW for abstract specification of transformations. This scenario contains 2 Eclipse projects, UML2Java and UML2Java_dsc
UML2Java projects
Installation instructions Download the file. Open Eclipse, and select "Import"-> "Existing projects into your workspace". Then select the archive file. The two projects will be copied into your workspace.


Description The sources are available at the Eclipse GMT SVN and on a separate .zip file
ATL version ATL 3.x
ZIP file with the soruces
SVN repository
Installation instructions
  • Install Eclipse, EMF ant ATL.
  • Check out the AMW projects from the SVN or import the sources from the ZIP file.

Available plugins

There are 9 Model Weaver plug-ins:

The two first plug-ins must be installed for the standard use.