Cognitive Analysis of Imprecise Temporal Expressions


To see how people interpret vague descriptions of time in text. Examples of vague expressions are: "many days", "more than one hour", "about 2 months".


All the following questions are fictional.
  • Each question shows a sentence comprising 2 to 3 descriptions of time that can be precise or imprecise.
  • The target descriptions of time to be evaluated will be underlined.
  • There are no right or wrong answers, or trick questions. Please work quickly and do not think too long about the exact meaning of the question.

*** All questions must be answered before submitting the form.

1. (T149) About the following sentence:
Since 2007 business sales have been very high. We have now enjoyed several years of increased profits, which will fund our advertising for many years to come.
What do you consider the most appropriate period of time (in years) for the highlighted expression?
Something between and years.
2. (T103) About the following sentence:
9 years ago John injured his leg badly and is currently trialling a new treatment.
Which one do you consider the most appropriate option to express the amount of time since when the event associated with the underlined expression occurred?
3. (T138) About the following sentence:
The Aptley Zoo closed 4 years ago, but hopes to re-open to the public in some days. The animals were transferred from other zoos over the last 18 months.
What do you consider the most appropriate period of time (in days) for the highlighted expression?
Something between and days.
4. (T079) About the following sentence:
The TV show was first aired 15 months ago, but in less than 1 month it had received negative ratings.
What do you consider the most appropriate period of time (in days) for the highlighted expression?
Something between and days.
5. (T033) About the following sentence:
Jill painted her home two months earlier than Tom and spent weeks recycling unwanted household items. She last decorated two years ago.
What do you consider the most appropriate period of time (in weeks) for the highlighted expression?
Something between and weeks.
6. (T129) About the following sentence:
In the first week of March, 2014 it rained heavily. However it was very sunny approximately 4 weeks later. Then rain again in the next month!
What do you consider the most appropriate period of time (in days) for the highlighted expression?
Something between and days.
7. (T123) About the following sentence:
The band released its first single one year ago. In about 2 months it will release its second album and hopefully a third next year!
What do you consider the most appropriate period of time (in days) for the highlighted expression?
Something between and days.
8. (T094) About the following sentence:
The country began importing beer 18 years ago, more than 18 months after the residents campaigned for it.
What do you consider the most appropriate period of time (in months) for the highlighted expression?
Something between and months.
9. (T099) About the following sentence:
Rivora's song was first released on 07/02/2007. That is more than 1 year after the original was released.
What do you consider the most appropriate period of time (in months) for the highlighted expression?
Something between and months.
10. (T113) About the following sentence:
The new nursery opened its doors in March this year but it took days for all 20 children to finally be admitted.
What do you consider the most appropriate period of time (in days) for the highlighted expression?
Something between and days.
11. (T009) About the following sentence:
In January 2007 I started the flexible course. It will last no more than 8 weeks. I plan to complete the next level in July.
What do you consider the most appropriate period of time (in weeks) for the highlighted expression?
Something between and weeks.
12. (T133) About the following sentence:
The charity tennis match will be held in May 2012, approximately 4 years after the last charity tournament. We hope the money raised will fund the match next year.
What do you consider the most appropriate period of time (in months) for the highlighted expression?
Something between and months.
13. (T013) About the following sentence:
Jo graduated from college one year ago. Even though she did not have a job less than 7 years before, she currently works as an accounts assistant.
What do you consider the most appropriate period of time (in years) for the highlighted expression?
Something between and years.
14. (T145) About the following sentence:
Jim Stevenson won a Gold medal on 16/10/2010. He was in the newspapers for a few weeks after, until another celebrity made the news on the 2nd of December!
What do you consider the most appropriate period of time (in weeks) for the highlighted expression?
Something between and weeks.
15. (T046) About the following sentence:
It snowed badly in late January last year. Temperatures were especially low for about 25 days.
What do you consider the most appropriate period of time (in days) for the highlighted expression?
Something between and days.