Cognitive Analysis of Imprecise Temporal Expressions


To see how people interpret vague descriptions of time in text. Examples of vague expressions are: "many days", "more than one hour", "about 2 months".


All the following questions are fictional.
  • Each question shows a sentence comprising 2 to 3 descriptions of time that can be precise or imprecise.
  • The target descriptions of time to be evaluated will be underlined.
  • There are no right or wrong answers, or trick questions. Please work quickly and do not think too long about the exact meaning of the question.

*** All questions must be answered before submitting the form.

1. (T111) About the following sentence:
We started delivering training in the middle of June/2014, and we have now just finished delivering to our Europe branch.
Which one do you consider the most appropriate option to express the amount of time since when the event associated with the underlined expression occurred?
2. (T019) About the following sentence:
The latest sale ran for 2 weeks. The last sale we had was over 3 months ago. We will hold our summer sale in late August.
What do you consider the most appropriate period of time (in months) for the highlighted expression?
Something between and months.
3. (T100) About the following sentence:
In June/2015 we observed a rise in the number of ants, more than 12 years after the last occurrence.
What do you consider the most appropriate period of time (in years) for the highlighted expression?
Something between and years.
4. (T001) About the following sentence:
Peter had an eye examination last month, after suffering with a squint for the last several years. Within days after treatment, he began to see improvements.
What do you consider the most appropriate period of time (in years) for the highlighted expression?
Something between and years.
5. (T134) About the following sentence:
The business was closed for the last week of 2013, and has been closing for Christmas for approximately 20 years. It will begin trading again within the first 2 weeks of January.
What do you consider the most appropriate period of time (in years) for the highlighted expression?
Something between and years.
6. (T091) About the following sentence:
7 years ago the adventures climbed Snowdon and took more than 15 days to make the journey back home.
What do you consider the most appropriate period of time (in days) for the highlighted expression?
Something between and days.
7. (T109) About the following sentence:
The singer released his album on 16-08-2013, the first album released by him for years.
What do you consider the most appropriate period of time (in years) for the highlighted expression?
Something between and years.
8. (T067) About the following sentence:
The new R10x motorbike was launched in 2006, after a few months of intense advertising.
What do you consider the most appropriate period of time (in months) for the highlighted expression?
Something between and months.
9. (T054) About the following sentence:
The spring sale will start in the next four weeks and will last about 8 weeks.
What do you consider the most appropriate period of time (in weeks) for the highlighted expression?
Something between and weeks.
10. (T072) About the following sentence:
The town celebrations were in January 2005. Residents were still discussing it many weeks later.
What do you consider the most appropriate period of time (in weeks) for the highlighted expression?
Something between and weeks.
11. (T117) About the following sentence:
We experienced a heat wave last month, which lasted about 3 days. Let's hope we have continued good weather next month.
What do you consider the most appropriate period of time (in days) for the highlighted expression?
Something between and days.
12. (T106) About the following sentence:
Kevin rode his bike for the first time last week but it took days for him to feel confident riding it.
What do you consider the most appropriate period of time (in days) for the highlighted expression?
Something between and days.
13. (T049) About the following sentence:
In first two months of 2012 Bill studied intensely, though he had planned about 3 months of study.
What do you consider the most appropriate period of time (in weeks) for the highlighted expression?
Something between and weeks.
14. (T082) About the following sentence:
The cost of living rose suddenly in December 2004, and had risen again in less than 10 months after this.
What do you consider the most appropriate period of time (in months) for the highlighted expression?
Something between and months.
15. (T010) About the following sentence:
7 years ago I broke my foot whilst dancing. In less than 6 months I was dancing professionally again, though I need to go for a check-up next month.
What do you consider the most appropriate period of time (in months) for the highlighted expression?
Something between and months.