CI1176 - Tópicos em Visão Computacional

BCC, IBM & PPGInf - Turma 2023-1

Professor: David Menotti

Carga Horária: 60 horas em aulas expositivas e colaborativas.

Horário: terças-feiras e quintas-feiras das 15h40 às 17h20

Sala: PA 02 (ter) & PC 18 (qui) (Presencial) / Google Meet (Digital)


80% - quatro apresentações de pesos iguais

20% - frequência
  • 100% dos 20%: no máximo 3 ausências

  • 50% dos 20%: entre 5 e 4 ausências

  • 0% dos 20%: entre 7 e 6 ausências


  • Leitura, estudo e apresentação de artigos científicos da área publicados em veículos de impacto e relevância relacionados a diversos tópicos da área de visão computacional.

Datas Importantes

  • 21/03/23 Primeiro Encontro

  • 06/04/23 Quinta-feira santa (não haverá aula)

  • 01/06/23 Feira de Cursos e Profissões (não haverá aula)

  • 08/06/23 Corpus Christi

  • 06/07/23 Final

Cronograma Tentativo

1 21/3 Apresentação David Menotti
2 23/3 Inaugural - Palestra David Menotti
3 28/3 MLP, LeNet & AlexNet Eduardo G., David & Leticia
4 30/3 ResNet, LSTM & ViT Leonardo, Gabriel N. & Pedro
5 04/4 Object Classification André, Eduardo G. & Gabriel P.
06/4 Nao haverá aula
07/4 Sexta-feira Santa Sexta-feira
6 11/4 Object Detection Leticia, Rayson & Gabriel P.
7 13/4 Image Segmentation Leticia, Felipe & Vinícius
8 18/4 Generative Models Felipe, Leonardo & Eduardo G.
9 20/4 Vehicle Identification Rayson & Eduardo S. & Sabri
21/4 Tiradentes Sexta-feira
10 25/4 Aut. License Plate Recognition SR Eduardo S., Gabriel P. & Valfride
11 27/4 Face Detection Eduardo S. & Bernardo
01/5 Dia do Trabalho Segunda-feira
12 02/5 Face Recogntion André, Gabriel P. & Bernardo
13 04/5 Face Recognition 3D Sabry, Pedro, Bernardo
14 09/5 Face Masked Recognition Felipe, Sabry & Michel
15 11/5 Face Recognition SR Eduardo G., Pedro & João Picolo
16 16/5 General Spoofing Rodrigo & Bruno Kamarowski
17 18/5 Face Anti-Spoofing (Passive) Sabry, Felipe & Raul Almeida
18 23/5 Face Anti-Spoofing (Active) Vinícius, Leonardo & Bruno Kamarowski
19 25/5 Facial Expression Vinícius & Eduardo S.
20 30/5 Natural Language Processing Lucas Woicjk
01/6 Feira de Cursos e Profissões Quinta-feira
21 06/6 Document Recognition Lucas Woicjk
08/6 Corpus Christi Quinta-feira
22 13/6 Action Recognition Valter Estebam
23 15/6 Reinforcement Learning João Picolo, Leonardo & Gabriel N.
17/6 Reposição 08/6 Sábado
24 20/6 Zero Shot Learning Valter Estebam
25 22/6 Pose Estimation Michel, André & Raul Almeida
26 27/6 Gaze Estimation Leticia & Gabriel N.
27 29/6 Object ReID (Person & Vehicle) Pedro, Michel & Rayson Laroca
28 01/7 Biometrics Rodrigo & André
04/7 Terça-feira
06/7 Final Quinta-feira


3 Background 1 (MLP, LeNet & AlexNet) Eduardo Gobbo ForwardForward :cite:p:`forwardforward:2022`
David Menotti LeNet :cite:p:`lenet:1998`
Leticia Fontanelli AlexNet :cite:p:`alexnet:2012`
4 Background 2 (ResNet, LSTM & ViT) Leonardo Dionisio ResNet :cite:p:`resnet:2016`
Gabriel Nascarella LSTM :cite:p:`lstm:1997`
Pedro Pasqualini Vision-Transformers :cite:p:`vit:2021`
5 Object Classification André Thomal VGGNet :cite:p:`vggnet:2015`
Eduardo Gobbo MobileNet :cite:p:`mobilenet:2017`
Gabriel Pontarolo EfficientNet :cite:p:`efficientnet:2020`
6 Object Detection Leticia Fontanelli Faster R-CNN :cite:p:`od-faster-rcnn:2017`
Rayson Laroca YoloV2 :cite:p:`od-yolo:2017` and newer versions
Gabriel Pontarolo EfficientDet :cite:p:`od-efficientdet:2020`
7 Image Segmentation Leticia Fontanelli Mask R-CNN :cite:p:`seg-maskrcnn:2018`
Felipe Mazur U-Net :cite:p:`seg-unet:2015`
Vinícius Gonçalves IFT :cite:p:`seg-ift-diff:2004`
8 Generative Models Felipe Mazur pix2pix :cite:p:`gm:pix2pix:2017`
Leonardo Dionisio CycleGAN :cite:p:`gm-cyclegan:2017`
Eduardo Gobbo Diffusion :cite:p:`gm-diffusion:2022`
9 Vehicle Identification Sabry Rafrafi Efficient :cite:p:`alpr-efficient:2021`
Eduardo Santos Multi :cite:p:`alpr-multi:2020`
Rayson Laroca Bias :cite:p:`alpr-bias:2022`
10 ALPR-SR Eduardo Santos Multitask :cite:p:`alprsr-multitask:2019`
Gabriel Pontarolo MPRNet :cite:p:`alprsr-mprnet:2021`
Valfride Nascimento Attention & Pixel Shuffle :cite:p:`alprsr-combining:2022`
11 Face Detection Eduardo Santos Viola Jones :cite:p:`fd-viola:2001`
Bernardo Biesseck RetinaFace :cite:p:`fd-retina:2020`
Bernardo Biesseck MTCNN :cite:p:`fn-mtcnn:2016`
12 Face Recognition André Thomal CenterLoss :cite:p:`fr-centerloss:2016`
Gabriel Pontarolo ArcFace :cite:p:`fr-arcface:2019`
Bernardo Biesseck Partial FC :cite:p:`fr-partialfc:2022`
13 Face Recognition 3D Sabry Rafrafi 3D-PointNet++ :cite:p:`fr3d-pointface:2021`
Pedro Pasqualini 3D-PointCloudNet :cite:p:`fr3d-pointcloudnet:2021`
Bernardo Biesseck 3D-BERL :cite:p:`fr3d-3dberl:2022`
14 Face Masked Recognition Felipe Mazur MaskInvArcface :cite:p:`mfr-synthetic:2022`
Sabry Rafrafi MaskInv-Hg :cite:p:`mfr-kd:2021`
Michel Brasil SotA :cite:p:`mfr-sota:2022`
15 Face Recognition SR Eduardo Gobbo Iterative :cite:p:`frsr-iterative:2020`
Pedro Pasqualini SCTANet :cite:p:`frsr-sctanet:2023`
João Picolo DIDNet :cite:p:`frsr-didnet:2021`
16 General Spoofing Rodrigo Saviam Fingerprint :cite:p:`gspf-fingerprint:2021`
Rodrigo Saviam Iris :cite:p:`gspf-iris:2018`
Bruno Kamarowski Voice :cite:p:`gspf-voice:2023`
17 Face Anti-Spoofing (Passive) Sabry Rafrafi FAS-Casia :cite:p:`fas-casia:2012`
Felipe Mazur FAS-ViT :cite:p:`fas-vit:2021`
Raul Almeida FAS-dc-cdn :cite:p:`fas-dc-cdn:2021`
18 Face Anti-Spoofing (Active) Vinícius Gonçalves Distortion :cite:p:`fasa-distortion:2019`
Leonardo Dionizio Reflections :cite:p:`ffasa-reflections:2015`
Bruno Kamarowski Sensor :cite:p:`ffasa-sensor2014`
19 Facial Expression Vinícius Gonçalves Hybrid :cite:p:`fe-hybrid:2021`
Eduardo Santos Synthesis :cite:p:`fe-synthesis:2020`
Vinícius Gonçalves Fusion :cite:p:`fe-fusion:2022`
20 Natural Language Processing Lucas Wojcik Tesseract :cite:p:`docs-tesseract:2007`
Lucas Wojcik Word2Vect :cite:p:`docs-word2vec2` Wordpiece :cite:p:`docs-wordpiece:2016` GloVe :cite:p:`docs-glove:2014`
Lucas Wojcik BERT :cite:p:`docs-bert:2018` família GPT (GPT-1 a 4 e ChatGPT) :cite:p:`docs-gpt:2020`
21 Document Recognition Lucas Wojcik Intellix :cite:p:`er-intellix:2013`
Lucas Wojcik Graph Convolution :cite:p:`er-graphdoc:2022`
Lucas Wojcik ERNIE-Layout :cite:p:`er-ernielayout:2022`
22 Action Recognition Valter Estevam Trajectories :cite:p:`ar-trajectories:2013`
Valter Estevam Kinetics :cite:p:`ar-kinetics:2017`
Valter Estevam InternVideo :cite:p:`ar-internvideo:2022`
23 Reinforcement Learning João Picolo DDPG :cite:p:`rl-ddpg:2020`
Leonardo Dionizio Pedestrian Trajectory :cite:p:`rl-pedestrian:2020`
Gabriel Nascarella Autonomous Driving :cite:p:`rl-driving:2020`
24 Zero Shot Learning Valter Estevam Tell me :cite:p:`zsl-tellme:2021`
Valter Estevam Global Semantic :cite:p:`zsl-global:2022`
Valter Estevam Cezsar :cite:p:`zsl-cezsar:2023`.
25 Pose Estimation Michel Brasil Hourglass :cite:p:`pose-hourglass:2016`
André Thomal OpenPose :cite:p:`pose-openpose:2017`
Raul Almeida Transformers :cite:p:`pose-transformer:2022`
26 Gaze Estimation Leticia Fontanelli MPIIGaze :cite:p:`gaze-mpii:2019`
Gabriel Nascarella Gaze-360 :cite:p:`gaze-360:2019`
Gabriel Nascarella L2CS-Net :cite:p:`gaze-l2csnet:2022`
27 Object ReID (Person & Vehicle) Pedro Pasqualini Person in the Wild :cite:p:`reid-person:2017`
Michel Brasil Person Ensemble :cite:p:`reid-personensemble:2020`
Rayson Laroca Vehicle Large :cite:p:`reid-vehiclelarge:2016`
Rayson Laroca Vehicle Read :cite:p:`reid-vehicleread:2021`
28 Biometrics: Iris, Periocular, Fingerprint Rodrigo Saviam Iris :cite:p:`bio-irina:2017`
Rodrigo Saviam Fingerprint :cite:p:`bio-fingernet:2019`
André Thomal Periocular :cite:p:`bio-ufpr-periocular:2022`
Explainable AI
Satelite Imagery
ImaGen & VideoGen from text
Attack Adversarial



Ahmed A. Abdelrahman, Thorsten Hempel, Aly Khalifa, and Ayoub Al-Hamadi. L2cs-net: fine-grained gaze estimation in unconstrained environments. 2022. arXiv:2203.03339.


Xiang An, Jiankang Deng, Jia Guo, Ziyong Feng, XuHan Zhu, Jing Yang, and Tongliang Liu. Killing two birds with one stone: efficient and robust training of face recognition cnns by partial fc. In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 4042–4051. June 2022.


Qiqi Bao, Yunmeng Liu, Bowen Gang, Wenming Yang, and Qingmin Liao. Sctanet: a spatial attention-guided cnn-transformer aggregation network for deep face image super-resolution. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, ():1–12, 2023. doi:10.1109/TMM.2023.3238522.


Tom B. Brown, Benjamin Mann, Nick Ryder, Melanie Subbiah, Jared Kaplan, Prafulla Dhariwal, Arvind Neelakantan, Pranav Shyam, Girish Sastry, Amanda Askell, Sandhini Agarwal, Ariel Herbert-Voss, Gretchen Krueger, Tom Henighan, Rewon Child, Aditya Ramesh, Daniel M. Ziegler, Jeffrey Wu, Clemens Winter, Christopher Hesse, Mark Chen, Eric Sigler, Mateusz Litwin, Scott Gray, Benjamin Chess, Jack Clark, Christopher Berner, Sam McCandlish, Alec Radford, Ilya Sutskever, and Dario Amodei. Language models are few-shot learners. CoRR, 2020. URL:, arXiv:2005.14165.


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Jiankang Deng, Jia Guo, Evangelos Ververas, Irene Kotsia, and Stefanos Zafeiriou. Retinaface: single-shot multi-level face localisation in the wild. In IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). June 2020.


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Valter Estevam, Rayson Laroca, David Menotti, and Helio Pedrini. Tell me what you see: a zero-shot action recognition method based on natural language descriptions. 2021. arXiv:2112.09976.


Valter Estevam, Rayson Laroca, Helio Pedrini, and David Menotti. Global semantic descriptors for zero-shot action recognition. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 29:1843–1847, 2022. URL:, doi:10.1109/lsp.2022.3200605.


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