@inproceedings{bezerra2018robust, title = {Robust Iris Segmentation Based on Fully Convolutional Networks and Generative Adversarial Networks}, author = {C. S. {Bezerra} and R. {Laroca} and D. R. {Lucio} and E. {Severo} and L. F. {Oliveira} and A. S. {Britto Jr.} and D. {Menotti}}, year = {2018}, month = {Oct}, booktitle = {Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images (SIBGRAPI)}, volume = {}, number = {}, pages = {281-288}, doi = {10.1109/SIBGRAPI.2018.00043}, issn = {2377-5416}, keywords = {Image segmentation;Iris recognition;Iris;Generative adversarial networks;Gallium nitride;Biomedical imaging;Feature extraction;Biometric;Iris segmentation;Non cooperative} }