cMIPS - a VHDL model for the 5-stage pipeline, MIPS32r2 core

pipeline cMIPS is a synthesizable VHDL model for the 5-stage pipeline, MIPS32r2 core.

The VHDL model mimics the pipeline design described in Patterson & Hennessy's book (Computer Organisation and Design) and is a complete implementation of the MIPS32r2 instruction set.

The model was synthesized for an Altera EP4CE30F23. The model runs at 50 MHz (top board speed) and uses up 15% of the combinational blocks and 5% of the logic registers on the FPGA.

The processor model runs C code, compiled with GCC; there are scripts to compile and assemble code to run on the simulator or on the FPGA.

The core has all forwarding paths and interlocks for data and control hazards.

Coprocessor0 supports six hardware interrupts + NMI in "Interrupt Compatibility Mode" and an 8-way fully associative TLB. The control instructions break, syscall, trap, mfc0, mtc0, eret, ei, di, ll, sc are fully implemented.

Partial-word loads and stores (word, half-word, byte) implemented at the processor's memory interface.

Testbench includes processor, RAM, ROM and (simulator) file I/O.

Top level file for synthesis includes processor, RAM, ROM, LCD display controller, 2x7segment LED display, keypad and UART. SDRAM controller, microSD controller, VGA interface and Ethernet port are in the works.

An stdlib lookalike is in the works, as well as a port of Xinu, hosted here.

The floating point operations ADD and MULT are functional, DIV and SQRT are being implemented.

The cMIPS project is hosted here. A more complete description can be found at docs/cMIPS.pdf, in the repository.

To clone the repository you shall utter onto thy system
git clone

To run the simulations you must install ghdl. There is a Debian package for the VHDL compiler.

To compile and assemble code for the MIPS processor on an x86 Linux box you need to install binutils and the GCC cross-compiler. To do that, follow the instructions in cMIPS/docs/installCrosscompiler.

Once you have ghdl and mips-gcc installed, go to cMIPS/tests and run If the output is a list of names, then the fun may begin. Otherwise, please do send an e-mail to  roberto at inf . ufpr . br  with the error message.


hello world

Last revision: 2017may06
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