The SIBGRAPI Video Festival is traditionally presented during one of the three nights of the symposium. Its purpose is to show visual explanations of computer graphics techniques, algorithm animations and software demonstrations, as well as computer generated films and cartoons produced by TV companies. Videos which accompany papers or short-papers submitted to the technical program are encouraged, but all types of submission are welcomed.

  • Categories

      The computer generated animations can be submitted in one of the following categories:

      Technical: Computer Animations developed to present the results of software implementations, as for example to demonstrate CG algorithms.

      Creation: Computer Animations created by artists and graphic designers for the diverse purposes, as entertainment, artistic, advertisement, and others.

  • Video Festival Guidelines

      The submitted animations will be analyzed by the Video Festival Committee, which will select those that will be presented at the festival, as well as be included in the festival CD-ROM. The selection criteria is based on the categories assigned to the animation by the authors, and on a comparison between all submitted work.

  • Submission

      Authors should send one copy of the video to the addresses below by August 18, 2004. The video should not exceed the 3 minutes limit, which can be extended in exceptional cases, and must be in one of the following formats: Digital (MPEG or DVIX), Betacam or VHS in NTSC.

      Each video must be accompanied by 3 copies of a Submission Form containing the description of the material shown in the video and the techniques used in the implementation. The submission form can be found at the end of message.

      Videotape may contain more than one entry, but each one must be followed by its own submission form. In the shipping process, customs labels should include the words:

        "Educational material with no commercial value"

      and in Portuguese:

        "Material educacional sem valor comercial"

      The organizers take no responsibility for safe arrival of your video and will not track its shipment.

  • Address for Submissions

      Video Festival - SIBGRAPI 2004
      Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica do Paraná (CEFET-PR)
      PPGTE (Programa de Pós-Graduação em Tecnologia)
      Att: Luciana Martha Silveira
      Av. Sete de Setembro, 3165
      CEP 80230-901
      Curitiba - PR - Brasil
      Tel: +55 41 3104711
      Fax: +55 41 3104712

  • Important Dates

      Submission Deadline: August 18, 2004 August 23, 2004 (extended).
      Notification of Acceptance: September 11, 2004.

  • Organizing Committe
  • Program Committe

      Patrícia Lobo (Vetor Zero)
      Hélio Pedrini (UFPR)
      Leo Pini Magalhães (UNICAMP)
      Maria Andréia Fórmico Rodrigues (UNIFOR)
      Denize Araújo (UTP)
      Paulo Munhoz (Tecnokena)