
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Schneider (Uni-Freiburg)

    Cloud Organization -- Institutional components, backgrounds, organisational aspects and juridical implications of clouds, security aspects

Prof. Dr. Christian Schindelhauer (Uni-Freiburg)

    Storage Networks -- An overview to a major facet of cloud computing

Dr. Dirk von Suchodoletz (Uni-Freiburg)

    Managing Clouds -- Fast and flexible large scale machine deployment and management

Dr. Tobias Schubert (Uni-Freiburg)

    VHDL -- An introducton to analyzing, modeling, and simulating digital circuits

Dr. Gerd Rapin

    Cloud Applications -- Modelling and implementation of algorithms in applied mathematics

Dr. Matthew Lewis (Uni-Freiburg)

    Formal verification of combinational and sequential circuits

Dr. Carlos Carvalho (C3SL-UFPR)

    Tips & Tricks for Configuring a High Performance Low Cost Software Repository Mirror   

Dr. Eduardo Cunha de Almeida (C3SL-UFPR)

    Peer-to-Peer Distributed Data Management

Dr. Eduardo Todt (C3SL-UFPR)

Dr. Fabiano Silva (C3SL-UFPR)

    Parallel Programming with CUDA
    Multicore Programming with OpenMP

Dr. Luis C. E. de Bona (C3SL-UFPR)

    Digital Data Preservation

Last updated


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