Prof. Elias P. Duarte Jr.
Journal Review Service
IEEE Transactions on Computers
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Managament
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems
IEEE Transactions on Reliability
IEEE Communications Magazine
IEEE Internet Computing
Computer Networks (ComNet - Elsevier)
Journal of Internet Services and Applications (JISA - Springer)
Computer Communications (ComCom - Elsevier)
Journal of Communications and Networks (JCN)
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing
Journal of the Brazilian Computing Society
International Journal of Network Management (IJNM)
Journal of Network and Systems Management (JNSM)
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience
Journal Communication and Information Systems (JCIS)
International Journal of Internet and Distributed Systems (IJIDS)
International Journal of Multimedia Technology (IJMT)
IEE Proceedings on Computers and Digital Techniques
International Journal of Computer and Applications (IJCA)
Revista de Informática Teórica e Aplicada (RITA)
Revista de Iniciação Científica (REIC/Brazilian Computing Society)
Prof. Elias P. Duarte Jr.
Departamento de Informática