Vinicius Fulber-Garcia received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the Informatics Department of the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR - Brazil) in 2022. He also holds a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science (2016) from the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM - Brazil) and a Master's degree (2019) in Computer Science from UFSM’s Post-Graduate Program in Computer Science. Currently, he is an assistant professor at UFPR and a researcher at the Network, Distributed Systems, and Security Laboratory (LaRSiS - UFPR - Brazil), as well as the co-coordinator of the SECurity & Reverse Engineering Team (SECRET - UFPR - Brazil). He has served as a reviewer for various conferences and journals, including GLOBECOM, CNSM, IM, NOMS, ICDCS, ComNet, and TNSM, and has co-chaired publications and patronage for conferences like LADC, CNSM, and NOMS. Vinicius is currently the secretary for the IEEE ComSoc Committee on Network Operation and Management (CNOM) and the vice-coordinator of the Postgraduate Program in Informatics (PPGInf) at UFPR. His research interests span network function virtualization, network service deployment, network management, business opportunities in networks, network security, system security, bio-inspired optimization techniques, and compression algorithms.
Particular Research Topics:
Network Function Virtualization
Network Service Deployment
Network Security
System Security
Simulation and Emulation
Compression Algorithms