Projects and Collaborations


  • Valipar: test of parallel software in the context of message passing programs. Introduction of specific test criteria and development of the tool named ValiPAR, to test MPI and PVM programs. Possible extensions of this project include test in the context of WS compositions, grid and cloud computation.
    Colaborations: Paulo Souza, Simone Souza, Adenilso Simão (USP São Carlos)
    Support: CNPq.
  • ProValLPS: support to the design and validation of Software Product Lines (SPL). The goal is to propose test criteria and coverage metrics in the context of SPL and to experimentally investigate and compare different test strategies for SPL.
    Collaborations: Prof. Marcos Quinaia (Unicentro-Guarapuava, PR), Itana Gimenez (UEM -PR)
    Support: CNPq and Fundação Araucária.
  • GADGET: investigates test data generation techniques to satisfy different test criteria for different contexts: WS, Java Bytecode, GUI applications, model based test, etc. The main investigated tehcniques are search based, that is, are based on search optimization algorithms, such as genetic algorithms, simulated anneling, etc.
    Collaborations: Márcio E. Delamaro, Marcos Chaim (USP), Eliane Martins (UNICAMP), Auri Vincenzi (UFG), Arilo Cláudio (UFAM), Paulo M. Bueno (CTI)
    Support: CNPq
  • Chameleon: investigates the use of different search based algorithms to the software engineering problems, such as: software reliability modelling, software test, planning, fault-prediction, etc.
    Collaborations: Prof. Aurora Pozo(UFPR), Martin Musicante (UFRN), Alaine Guimarães (UEPG).
    Support: Fundação Araucária.

Projetos Concluídos

28 de Agosto de 2010

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