Contributions must not have been previously published in, presented at, or submitted for any other journal or conference, except as a technical report or at a purely local event.

A full paper with 8 pages or less should be self-contained, meaning that it must include enough details (or references to easily available literature) about its techniques, algorithms, proofs, and experiments; so that an expert in the field can in principle reproduce the work and verify the claims made therein.

  • Evaluation Criteria

      Each paper will be carefully evaluated by at least three referees (either members of the Program Committee or external specialists). The main evaluation criteria will be relevance, originality, validity, and importance of the results described. Therefore, the paper must clearly state its original contributions, and compare itself to previous work on the same topic.

      The clarity and succintness of the text are also important; authors are urged to check our successful papers submission hints page. Another important factors in the evaluation will be the paper's conformity to the layout and format standards established by the Program Committee.

      In its evaluation, the Program Committee will assume that there will not be substantial changes between the submitted text and the final version---not only in contents, but also in style, format, and length. Therefore, the initial submission itself must already be in the SIBGRAPI2004 standard format, and strictly within the established page limits. Submissions that fail to observe these conditions may be rejected, independently of their contents.

  • How to Submit

      The paper should be submitted electronically, and the submitted paper must be in either PDF or Postscript format. Supplemental materials accompanying the paper can be submitted electronically, but all materials should be zipped into a single file .ZIP . The submitted file can not exceed 20 MB. Submission site is now open at https://submissoes.sbc.org.br/sibgrapi2004.

  • Publications

      At least one author of each accepted paper must register for the Symposium to have the paper printed in the Proceedings published by IEEE.

      Accepted papers will be printed in the Symposium Proceedings, and may be made available in electronic form through WWW---either at the Symposium's site or at the Publisher's, depending on copyright issues to be resolved.

  • Camera-Ready

      Each author will be contacted by the Program Committe by e-mail and will receive the author's kit with all the necessary instructions for the Camera Ready.

  • Important Dates

      Submission Deadline: May 23, 2004

  • Contact