Short bio
Silvia Regina Vergilio |
Silvia Regina Vergilio received Master and Doctoral degress from University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Brazil. She is currently a professor of Software Engineering in the Computer Science Department of Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), Brasil, where she leads the Research Group on Software Engineering. She has involved in several projects and her research is mainly supported by CNPq (PQ Level 1D). Her research interests include software testing, software reliability, Software Product Lines (SPLs) and Search-based Software Engineering (SBSE). She serves as assistant editor of the Journal of Software Engineering: Research and Development, and acts as peer reviewer for diverse international journals. She serves on the Program Committe of diverse software engineering conferences. |
MENDONÇA, W. F.; ASSUNCAO, W. K. G.; VERGILIO, S. R. Feature-oriented test case selection and prioritization during the evolution of highly-configurable systems. JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE, Volume 217, November 2024.
Silva, R. de C.; Farah, P. R.; Vergilio, S. R. On the use of Change History Data to Enhance Class Change-Proneness Prediction Models. Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society, 30(1), 421--443.
FREIRE, W. M.; BOCCARDO, M.; NOUCHI, D.; AMARAL, A. M. M. M.; VERGILIO, S. R.; FERREIRA, T. N.; Colanzi, T.E. Large Language Model-based suggestion of objective functions for search-based Product Line Architecture design. In: XVIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Componentes, Arquiteturas e Reutilizacao de Software, 2024, Curitiba. v. 1. p. 21-30.
FREIRE, W. M.; BOCCARDO, M.; NOUCHI, D.; AMARAL, A. M. M. M.; VERGILIO, S. R.; FERREIRA, T. N.; Colanzi, T.E. AIssistDM: A Plugin to Assist Non-specialist Decision-Makers in Search-Based Software Engineering Tools. In: Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software, 2024, Curitiba. v. 1. p. 725-731.
MENDONÇA, W. F.; ASSUNCAO, W. K. G.; VERGILIO, S. R. Feature-oriented Test Case Prioritization Strategies: An Evaluation for Highly Configurable Systems. In: SPLC '24: 28th ACM International Systems and Software Product Line Conference, 2024, Dommeldange Luxembourg. v. 1. p. 72-83.
BIBIANO, A.C.; UCHOA, A.; ASSUNCAO, W.K.G.; TENORIO, D.; COLANZI, T.E.; VERGILIO, S.R.; GARCIA, A. Composite refactoring: Representations, characteristics and effects on software projects, Information and Software Technology, Volume 156, pg 107-134, April 2023,
FARAH, P.; VERGILIO, S.R. PerfoRT: A Tool for Software Performance Regression. ICPE'23: ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering, ACM, New York.
OLIVEIRA, B.G.; ENDO, A.T.; VERGILIO, S.R. Characterizing Security-related Commits of JavaScript Engines. International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS), 2023, Prague
MENDONÇA, W. F.; ASSUNCAO, W. K. G.; VERGILIO, S. R. Feature-oriented Test Case Selection during Evolution of Highly-Configurable Systems. Software Product Line Conference 2023 (SPLC), Tokyo. ACM, New York. pg 76-86. August/September 2023.
SILVA, H. N.; ENDO, A.; VERGILIO, S. R. Accessibility Mutation Testing of Android Applications. XXXVII Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering (SBES) - Journal First Track. September, 2023.
FARAH, P.R.; SILVA, R.C.; VERGILIO, S.R. An Assessment of Machine Learning Algorithms and Models for Prediction of Change-Prone Java Methods. In: Proceedings of the XXXVII Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering (SBES). New York: ACM, September 2023
Colanzi, T.E. ; MASSAGO, M. ; VERGILIO, S. R. Optimizing Product-Line Architectures with MOA4PLA. In: OliveiraJr, Edson. (Org.). UML-Based Software Product Line Engineering with SMarty. 1ed.Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023, v. 1, p. 241-263.
ASSUNCAO, W. K. G. ; Vergilio, S. R. ; LOPEZ-HERREJON, R. E. Reengineering UML Class Diagram Variants into a Product Line Architecture. In: Edson OliveiraJr. (Org.). UML-Based Software Product Line Engineering with SMarty. 1ed.Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023, v. 1, p. 393-414.
SILVA, H. N.; ENDO, A.; VERGILIO, S. R. Accessibility Mutation Testing of Android Applications. JOURNAL OF SOFTWARE ENGINEERING RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT, 2022.
LIMA, J. A. P.; MENDONÇA, WILLIAN D. F.; ASSUNCAO, W. K. G.; VERGILIO, S. R. Cost-effective learning-based strategies for test case prioritization in Continuous Integration of Highly-Configurable Software. EMPIRICAL SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, 2022.
FERREIRA, T. N.; VERGILIO, S. R.; KESSENTINI, M. Variability Testing of Software Product Line: A Preference-based Dimensionality Reduction Approach. Infromation and Software Technology, (2022)
ROZA,E. A.; LIMA, J. A. P.; SILVA, R. C.; VERGILIO, S. R.. Machine Learning Regression Techniques for Test Case Prioritization in Continuous Integration Environment. IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering, SANER 2022.
MENDONÇA, W. F.; MICHELON, G.K.; VERGILIO, S. R.; ASSUNCAO, W. K. G.; EGYED, A. (2022) Test2Feature: Feature-based Test Traceability Tool for Highly Configurable Software, SPLC2022. (A2)
MENDONÇA, W. F.; ASSUNCAO, W. K. G.; VERGILIO, S. R. Software Product Line Regression Testing: a Research Roadmap. International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS), 2022, Prague.
SILVA, R.C.; FARAH, P.R.; VERGILIO, S.R. Machine Learning for Change-Prone Class Prediction: A History-Based Approach. In: Proceedings of the XXXVI Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering (SBES). New York: ACM, 2022. v.1. p.289-298
ASSUNCAO, W. K. G.; Vergilio, S. R.; LOPEZ-HERREJON, R. E.; LINSBAUER, L. Search-Based Variability Model Synthesis from Variant Configurations. In: Lopez-Herrejon,R.E.; Martinez, J.; Guez Assuncao, W.K.; Ziadi, T.; Acher, M.; Vergilio, S. (Org.) Handbook of Re-Engineering Software Intensive Systems into Software Product Lines. 1ed.Cham: Springer, 2022, v. 1, p. 115-141.
ASSUNCAO, W. K. G.; Vergilio, S. R.; LOPEZ-HERREJON, R. E. ModelVars2SPL: From UML Class Diagram Variants to Software Product Line Core Assets. In: Lopez-Herrejon, R.E.; Martinez, J.; Guez Assuncao, W.K.; Ziadi, T.; Acher, M.; Vergilio, S. (Org.) Handbook of Re-Engineering Software Intensive Systems into Software Product Lines. 1ed.Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022, v. 1, p. 221-250.
FERREIRA, T. N.; VERGILIO, S. R.; KESSENTINE, M. Nautilus: An Interactive Plug and Play Search Based Software Engineering Framework. IEEE SOFTWARE. 2021.
SILVA, HENRIQUE NEVES; PRADO LIMA, JACKSON; Vergilio, Silvia Regina; ENDO, ANDRE TAKESHI A mapping study on mutation testing for mobile applications. SOFTWARE TESTING VERIFICATION & RELIABILITY.
UCHOA, A; BARBOSA, C; COUTINHO, D.; OIZUMI, W.; ASSUNÇÃO, W.K.G.; VERGILIO, S.R.; PEREIRA, J.A.; OLIVEIRA, A.; GARCIA, A.; Predicting Design Impactful Changes in Modern Code Review: A Large-Scale Empirical Study. Mining Software Repositories (MSR) 2021 conference.
CAMARA, B.H.P.; SILVA, M.A.G.; ENDO, A.T.; VERGILIO, S.R. What is the Vocabulary of Flaky Tests? An Extended Replication. 29th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC 2021) Replications and Negative Results (RENE).
FARAH, P.R.; MARIANI, T.; ROZA, E.A.; SILVA, R.C.; VERGILIO, S.R. Unsupervised Learning for Refactoring Pattern Detection IEEE CEC 2021.
FERREIRA, T. N.; VERGILIO, S. R.; KESSENTINE, M. Implementing Search-Based Software Engineering Approaches with Nautilus. Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, SBES 2021 - Tools Track.
CAMARA, BRUNO; SILVA, MARCO; ENDO, ANDRE; VERGILIO, S.R. On the use of test smells for prediction of flaky tests. In: SAST'21: Brazilian Symposium on Systematic and Automated Software Testing, 2021.
GUIZZO, G.; SARRO, F.; KRINKE, J.; VERGILIO, S. R. Sentinel: A Hyper-Heuristic for the Generation of Mutant Reduction Strategies. ICSE Journal-First Paper, 2021.
LIMA, J. A. P.; VERGILIO, S. R. A Multi-Armed Bandit Approach for Test Case Prioritization in Continuous Integration Environments. Journal-First paper for presentation at the 2021 ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE 2021).
GUIZZO, G. ; SARRO, F. ; KRINKE, J. ; VERGILIO, S. R. Sentinel: A Hyper-Heuristic for the Generation of Mutant Reduction Strategies. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, v. 1, p. 1-1, 2020.
ASSUNÇÃO, W. K. G. ; VERGILIO, S. R. ; LOPEZ-HERREJON, R. E. Automatic extraction of product line architecture and feature models from UML class diagram variants. INFORMATION AND SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY, v. 117, p. 106198-138, 2020.
LIMA, J. A. P. ; VERGILIO, S. R. Test Case Prioritization in Continuous Integration environments: A systematic mapping study. INFORMATION AND SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY, v. 121, p. 106268, 2020.
COLANZI, T. E. ; ASSUNÇÃO, WESLEY K.G. ; VERGILIO, SILVIA R. ; FARAH, P. R. ; GUIZZO, G. The Symposium on Search-Based Software Engineering: Past, Present and Future. INFORMATION AND SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY, 2020.
LEITAO-JUNIOR, P. S. ; FREITAS, D. M. ; VERGILIO, S. R. ; CAMILO-JUNIOR, C. G. ; HARRISON, R. Search-based Fault Localisation: A Systematic Mapping Study. INFORMATION AND SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY, v. 123, p. 106295, 2020.
MENDONÇA, W. D.F.; ASSUNÇÃO, W.K.G.; ESTALISLAU, L. V. ; VERGILIO, S. R. ; GARCIA, A. Towards a Microservices-Based Product Line with Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC2020)
LIMA, J. A. P.; MENDONÇA, W. D.F.; VERGILIO, SILVIA R., ASSUNÇÃO, W. K. G. Learning-based Prioritization of Test Cases in Continuous Integration of Highly-Configurable Software. Sofware Product Line Conference (SPLC2020)
FERREIRA, T.N. ; VERGILIO, S. R. ; KESSENTINI, M. Many-objective Search-based Selection of Software Product Line Test Products with Nautilus. Sofware Product Line Conference (SPLC2020) (Demos)
SOARES, V.; OLIVEIRA, A.; FARAH. P.R.; BIBIANO, A.; COUTINHO, D.; GARCIA, A.; VERGILIO, S.R.; SCHOTS, M.; OLIVEIRA, D.; UCHOA, A. On the Relation between Complexity, Explicitness, Effectiveness of Refactorings and Non-Functional Concerns. 34st Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering (SBES2020)
FERREIRA, T. N.; VERGILIO, S. R.; KESSENTINI, M. Applying Many-objective Algorithms to the Variability Test of Software Product Lines. V Brazilian Symposium on Systematic and Automated Software Testing - SAST 2020.
LIMA, J. A. P.; VERGILIO, S. R. Multi-Armed Bandit Test Case Prioritization in Continuous ntegration Environments: A Trade-off Analysis. Brazilian Symposium on Systematic and Automated Software Testing - SAST 2020.
SILVA, H. N.; ENDO, A. T.; ELER, M. M.; VERGILIO, S. R.; DURELLI, V. On the Relation between Code Elements and Accessibility Issues in Android Apps In: V Brazilian Symposium on Systematic and Automated Software Testing - SAST 2020.
LIMA, J. A. P. ; VERGILIO, S. R. A systematic mapping study on Higher Order Mutation Testing. JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE, v. 154, p. 92-109, 2019.
MENDONÇA, W. D. F. ; ASSUNÇÃO, W. K. G. ; VERGILIO, S. R. Reusing Test Cases on Graph Product Line Variants. In: the IV Brazilian Symposium, 2019, Salvador. Proceedings of the IV Brazilian Symposium on Systematic and Automated Software Testing - SAST 2019. New York: ACM Press, 2019. p. 52.
DA SILVA, H. N. ; FARAH, P. R. ; MENDONÇA, W. D. F. ; VERGILIO, S. R. Assessing Android Test Data Generation Tools via Mutation Testing. In: the IV Brazilian Symposium, 2019, Salvador. Proceedings of the IV Brazilian Symposium on Systematic and Automated Software Testing - SAST 2019, 2019. p. 32.
GUIZZO, G.; COLANZI, T. E. ; VERGILIO, S. R.. Applying design patterns in the search-based optimization of software product line architectures. Software and Systems Modeling, 2018.
BARROS, M. O.; VERGILIO, S.R. ; HARMAN, M. . Guest Editorial Special Issue on Search-based Software Engineering. IET Software, v. 12, p. 291-292, 2018.
JAKUBOVSKI FILHO, H. L. ; FERREIRA, T. N. ; VERGILIO, S. R. Incorporating User Preferences in a Software Product Line Testing Hyper-Heuristic Approach. In: IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC '18), 2018, Rio de Janeiro, RJ. Proceedings of the IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC '18), 2018.
JAKUBOVSKI FILHO, H. L. ; FERREIRA, T. N. ; VERGILIO, S. R. Multiple objective test set selection for software product line testing. In: the XXXII Brazilian Symposium, 2018, Sao Carlos. Proceedings of the XXXII Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering - SBES '18. New York: ACM Press, 2018. v. 1. p. 162.
LIMA, J. A. P. ; VERGILIO, S. R. Search-Based Higher Order Mutation Testing. In: the III Brazilian Symposium, 2018, SAO CARLOS. Proceedings of the III Brazilian Symposium on Systematic and Automated Software Testing - SAST '18, 2018. p. 87.
LIMA, J. A. P. ; VERGILIO, S. R. . Comparing Low Level Heuristics Selection Methods in a Higher-Order Mutation Testing Approach. In: Workshop Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software Baseada em Busca (WESB), 2018, São Carlos. Workshop Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software Baseada em Busca (WESB), 2018.
MARIANI, T. ; VERGILIO, SILVIA R. ; KESSENTINI, M. Uma proposta de geração automática de algoritmos de refatoração. In: Workshop Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software Baseada em Busca (WESB), 2018, São Carlos, SP. Workshop Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software Baseada em Busca (WESB), 2018.
MARIANI, T. ; VERGILIO, S. R. . A systematic review on search-based refactoring. INFORMATION AND SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY, v. 83, p. 14-34, 2017.
ASSUNÇÃO, W. K. G. ; LINSBAUER, LUKAS ; LOPEZ-HERREJON, R. E. ; VERGILIO, S. R. ; EGYED, ALEXANDER . Reengineering legacy applications into software product lines: a systematic mapping. EMPIRICAL SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, p. 2972-3016, 2017.
GUIZZO, G. ; VERGILIO, SILVIA R. ; POZO, A. ; FRITSCHE, GIAN MAURICIO . A Multi-Objective and Evolutionary Hyper-Heuristic Applied to the Integration and Test Order Problem. Applied Soft Computing (Print), v. 56, p. 331-334, 2017.
FERREIRA, T. N. ; VERGILIO, S. R. ; SOUZA, J. . Incorporating user preferences in search-based software engineering: A systematic mapping study. INFORMATION AND SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY, p. 55-69, 2017.
ASSUNÇÃO, W. K. G. ; LOPEZ-HERREJON, ROBERTO E. ; LINSBAUER, LUKAS ; VERGILIO, SILVIA R. ; EGYED, ALEXANDER . Multi-objective reverse engineering of variability-safe feature models based on code dependencies of system variants. EMPIRICAL SOFTWARE ENGINEERING (DORDRECHT. ONLINE), v. 22, p. 1763-1794, 2017.
FERREIRA, J. M. ; QUINAIA, M. ; VERGILIO, S. R. . Software Product Line Testing Based on Feature Model Mutation. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING, v. 27, p. 817-839, 2017.
CAIUTA, R. ; VERGILIO, S. R. ; POZO, A. Meta-learning based selection of software reliability models, Journal Fisrt Paper, 32nd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineeering (ASE 2017), USA.
ASSUNÇÃO, W. K. G. ; VERGILIO, SILVIA R. ; LOPEZ-HERREJON, ROBERTO E. Discovering Software Architectures with Search-Based Merge of UML Model Variants. In: Botterweck G. and Werner C.. (Org.). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1ed.: The 16th International Conference on Software Reuse (ICSR2017). Springer International Publishing, 2017, v. 10221, p. 95-111.
DELGADO, Y. ; COLANZI, T.E. ; VERGILIO, S. R. . An Enhanced Evaluation Model for Search-based Product Line Architecture Design. In: XX Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering (CIbSE 2017), 2017, Buenos Aires - Argentina. XX Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering (CIbSE 2017),, 2017. v. 1. p. 155-168.
LIMA, JACKSON A. PRADO ; VERGILIO, SILVIA R. . A Multi-objective optimization approach for selection of second order mutant generation strategies. In: the 2nd Brazilian Symposium, 2017, Fortaleza. Proceedings of the 2nd Brazilian Symposium on Systematic and Automated Software Testing - SAST. New York, USA: ACM, 2017. v. 1. p. 1.
FILHO, HELSON L. JAKUBOVSKI ; LIMA, JACKSON A. PRADO ; VERGILIO, SILVIA R. Automatic Generation of Search-Based Algorithms Applied to the Feature Testing of Software Product Lines. In: the 31st Brazilian Symposium, 2017, Fortaleza. Proceedings of the 31st Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering - SBES'17. New York, USA: ACM, 2017. v. 1. p. 114-123.
PC member of International Conference of Software Testing (ICST2025)
PC member of Intl. Workshop on Search-Based and Fuzz Testing (SBFT25)
PC member of 29th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE 2025) Short Papers, Emerging Results track
PC member of International Conference of Software Testing (ICST2024)
PC member of The 18th Intl. Workshop on Search-Based and Fuzz Testing
PC member of International Flaky Test Workshop 2024 (FTW 24)
PC member of 31th IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (SANER2024)
PC member of EASE 2024: 28th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering
PC member of FSE2024 - Ideas, Visions and Reflections track
PC member of Symposium on Search-Based Software Engineering (SSBSE2024)
PC member of 38st Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering (SBES2024)
PC member of 9nd Brazilian Symposium on Systematic and Automated Software Testing (SAST2024)
Co-Chair of Tools Track - 37st Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering (SBES2023)
PC member of International Conference of Software Testing (ICST2023)
PC member of Search Based Software Engineering Symposium (SSBSE2023)
PC member of The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO2023)
PC member of The 16th Intl. Workshop on Search-Based and Fuzz Testing
PC member of 37st Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering (SBES2023)
PC member of 8nd Brazilian Symposium on Systematic and Automated Software Testing (SAST2023)
PC member of 17th Brazilian Symposium on Software Components, Architectures, and Reuse (SBCARS2023)
PC member of The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO2022)
PC member of The 15th Intl. Workshop on Search-Based Software Testing
PC member of 36st Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering (SBES2022)
PC member of 7nd Brazilian Symposium on Systematic and Automated Software Testing (SAST2022)
PC member of 16th Brazilian Symposium on Software Components, Architectures, and Reuse (SBCARS2022)
Workshops Co-Chair 12 Brazilian Conference on Software: Practice and Theory (CBSoft2021)
PC member of 28th IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (SANER2021)
PC member of ICSE 2021 Posters Track
PC member of ICPC 2021
PC member of IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC2021)
PC member of The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO2021)
PC member of Symposium on Search Based Software Engineering (SSBSE2021)- Challenge Track
PC member of 34st Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering (SBES2021)
PC member of 5nd Brazilian Symposium on Systematic and Automated Software Testing (SAST2021)
PC member of 14th Brazilian Symposium on Software Components, Architectures, and Reuse (SBCARS2021)
PC member of The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO2020)
PC member of International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE2020)
PC member of 35st Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering (SBES2020)
PC member of 6nd Brazilian Symposium on Systematic and Automated Software Testing (SAST2020)
PC member of 15th Brazilian Symposium on Software Components, Architectures, and Reuse (SBCARS2020)
PC member of The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO2019)
PC member of Symposium on Search-Based Software Engineering (SSBSE19)
PC member of International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE2019)
PC member of 33st Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering (SBES2019)
PC member of 4nd Brazilian Symposium on Systematic and Automated Software Testing (SAST2019)
PC member of 13th Brazilian Symposium on Software Components, Architectures, and Reuse (SBCARS2019)
PC member of The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO2018)
PC member of Symposium on Search-Based Software Engineering (SSBSE18)
PC member of International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE2018)
PC member of 32st Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering (SBES2018)
PC member of 3nd Brazilian Symposium on Systematic and Automated Software Testing (SAST2018)
PC member of 12th Brazilian Symposium on Software Components, Architectures, and Reuse (SBCARS2018)
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.... 2016
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