
For the latest updates on BRACIS 2012 please follow @bracis2012 on twitter

The detailed program is available here.

On Saturday and Sunday the activities will be located at the Laboratory of Communication and Arts (
Laboratório de Comunicação e Artes) on Linha Verde (BR 116) - Km 100, n° 11848 (next to Havan).

Monday to Thursday the activities will be located on the main campus of PUCPR on
Av. Imaculada Conceição, 1155. There is an area for bus landing inside the campus at the entrance by Gate 1.

Durante o Congresso Bracis será realizado o lançamento do livro Inteligência Artificial: Uma abordagem de Aprendizado de Máquina no coquetel do evento, dia 22/10, no museu Oscar Niemeyer

List of inveted Speakers here.

Atention: All tutorials are free for registered participants.

Selected Workshops 

Selected tutorials here.

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