The Brazilian Conference on Intelligent System
(BRACIS 2012) encompasses the following important
scientific events: XXI Brazilian Symposium on Artificial
Intelligence - SBIA, XII Brazilian Symposium on Neural
Network - SBRN and IX Encontro de Inteligência
Artificial - ENIA 2012. BRACIS 2012 will take place at
Curitiba- PR, Brazil, in October 2012. All the national
and international Artificial Intelligence and Neural
Network community are invited! |
For the latest updates on BRACIS 2012 please follow
@bracis2012 on
Packs of selected pictures:
Opening Cocktail
The slides of the
and some
are available!
The Springer published "Advances in Artificial Intelligence -
SBIA 2012" is available
The ENIA papers are available
Conference General Chair: Aurora T.R. Pozo (UFPR)
Local SBRN Chair: Aurora T.R. Pozo (UFPR) and Myriam
Regattieri Delgado (UTFPR).
Local SBIA Chair: Gustavo Alberto Giménez Lugo
(UTFPR) and Marcos Castilho (UFPR).
Local ENIA Chair: Emerson Cabrera Paraiso (PUCPR) and
Júlio Cesar Nievola (PUCPR). |
Program SBRN Chair :Ana Carolina Lorena (UFABC).
Program SBIA Chair: Marcelo Finger (USP) and Leliane
Nunes de Barros (USP).
Program ENIA Chair: Renato Tinós (FFCLRP, USP). |