
The registration system considers Brazilian residents which will pay fees in Brazilian currency (reais) and overseas residents which will pay fees in US dollars following the table below.

Please use this link to complete your registration.

Brazilian Conference on Intelligent System Fees

All registration done in the conference gives access to all oral sessions, coffee-breaks, invited talks, workshops and tutorials.

* * IMPORTANT * * 

At least one author of each accepted paper (SBIA, SBRN or ENIA) must be registered in Conference event as FULL REGISTRATION fee.

At least one author of each workshop paper (Web and Text Intelligence, Social Simulation, Sentiment Mining and Emotional Analysis) must be registered in the Conference event as FULL REGISTRATION or at the Workshop Student Author fee.

Student Author and Student Registration types do not include POST-DOC students. They allow only PhD, Masters and undergraduate students under verification.

Early Registration (until 13rd September, 2012 ) 

Registration Type

Brazilian Attendees

Not-Brazilian Attendees

Professionals Full Registration**

R$ 600,00

US$ 350,00

Professionals Full Registration** 
(SBC or IEEE member)

R$ 500,00

US$ 300,00

Workshop Student Author

R$ 200,00

US$ 115,00

Workshop Author (SBC or IEEE student member)

R$ 150,00

US$ 110,00

CTDIA Student Author

R$ 200,00


Graduate Student

R$ 200,00

US$ 100,00

Graduate Student (SBC or IEEE student member)

R$ 150,00

US$ 80,00

Extra Paper Fee 

R$ 100,00

US$ 50,00

Undergraduate Student

R$ 50,00

US $ 30,00

Undergraduate Student (SBC or IEEE  member)

R$ 25,00

US$ 12,00


Regular Registration (from 14th September, 2012 to 20th October, 2012

Registration Type

Brazilian Attendees

Not-Brazilian Attendees

Professionals Full Registration**

R$ 700,00

US$ 400,00

Professionals Full Registration** 
(SBC or IEEE member)

R$ 600,00

US$ 350,00

CTDIA Student Author

R$ 300,00


Workshop Student Author

R$ 300,00

US$ 170,00

Workshop Author (SBC or IEEE student member)

R$ 250,00

US$ 150,00

Graduate Student

R$ 200,00

US$ 120,00

Graduate Student (SBC or IEEE student member)

R$ 150,00

US$ 100,00

Undergraduate Student

R$ 50,00

US $ 30,00

Undergraduate Student (SBC or IEEE  member)

R$ 25,00

US$ 12,00


Late Registration (after 20 th October, 2010 only on site

Registration Type

Brazilian Attendees

Not-Brazilian Attendees

Professionals Full Registration**

R$ 800,00

Professionals Full Registration** 
(SBC or IEEE member)

R$ 700,00

Graduate Student

R$ 250,00

Graduate Student (SBC or IEEE student member)

R$ 200,00

Undergraduate Student

R$ 50,00

Undergraduate Student  (SBC or IEEE  member)

R$ 25,00

* - please, check below for an extra explanation about Extra Paper Fee  
** - only Full Registration will receive the Proceedings of all events (SBIA, SBRN,ENIA, Workshops)

*** - Workshop Student Author will receive only the Workshops Proceedings

Registration Policy (please read carefully)

What is the Extra Paper Fee?

If you have more than 2 papers accepted in SBIA, or SBRN, or ENIA, you must pay the Extra Paper Fee for each paper from your 3rd accepted paper.

(Workshops are not considered)

For example, if one author has:

- SBIA: 3 papers accepted
- SBRN: 2 papers accepted
- ENIA: 4 papers Accepted

Then, he must register himself a FULL REGISTRATION and pay 3 extra paper fees (one for SBIA and two for ENIA).

Another example, an author has:

- SBIA: 2 papers accepted
- SBRN: 1 paper accepted
- ENIA: 1 paper Accepted
- Workshops: 5 papers accepted

Then, he must register himself a FULL REGISTRATION and NO EXTRA PAPER FEE.

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