Selected Publications of Murilo V. G. da Silva
- "A Range Space with Constant VC Dimension for All-pairs Shortest Paths"
A.M. Lima, M.V.G. da Silva, A.L. Vignatti [pdf]
Accepted to Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications, 2023.
- "The Hidden Subgroup Problem and Non-interactive Perfect Zero-Knowledge Proofs"
A.F.B. Costa, H. Hepp, M.V.G. da Silva, L.M. Zatesko [pdf]
VIII Encontro Nacional de Teoria da Computação (ETC 2023), pgs 99-103, Joao Pessoa, Brazil, 2023.
- "Oracle Separations for Non-adaptive Collapse-free Quantum Computing"
H. Hepp, M.V.G. da Silva, L.M. Zatesko
Submitted to Information Processing Letters, 2023.
- "Improved approximation bounds for the dominating set and the vertex cover in power-law graphs"
A.M. Lima, M.V.G. da Silva, A.L. Vignatti [pdf]
Submitted to Information Processing Letters, 2023.
- "Estimating the clustering coefficient using sample complexity analysis"
A.M. Lima, M.V.G. da Silva, A.L. Vignatti [pdf]
15th Latin American Theoretical Informatics Symposium (LATIN 2022), Guanajuato, Mexico, 2022.
- "Percolation Centrality via Rademacher Complexity"
A.M. Lima, M.V.G. da Silva, A.L. Vignatti [pdf]
Discrete Applied Mathematics, vol. 323, pgs 201-216, 2022.
- "FPT and kernelization algorithms for the Induced Tree problem"
G.C.M. Gomes, V.F. dos Santos, M.V.G. da Silva, J.L. Szwarcfiter [pdf]
12th International Conference on Algorithms and Complexity. Larnaca, Cyprus, 2021
- "The Generalized Influence Blocking Maximization Problem"
F.C. Erd, A.L. Vignatti, M.V.G. da Silva [pdf]
Social Network Analysis and Mining, 11 (55), 2021.
- "Um Algoritmo Quântico para um Problema de Distância Estatística"
H. Hepp, M.V.G. da Silva, L.M. Zatesko [pdf]
VI Encontro Nacional de Teoria da Computação (ETC 2021), virtual, 2021.
- "Problema APSP via Dimensão-VC e Médias de Rademacher"
A.M. Lima, M.V.G. da Silva, A.L. Vignatti [pdf]
VI Encontro Nacional de Teoria da Computação (ETC 2021), virtual, 2021.
- "A randomness-efficient algorithm for sampling quadratic residues modulo N"
N.M. Sdroievski, M.V.G. da Silva, A.L. Vignatti [pdf]
Submitted to International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, 2020.
- "Estimating the Percolation Centrality of Large Networks through Pseudo-dimension Theory"
A.M. Lima, M.V.G. da Silva, A.L. Vignatti [pdf]
ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, virtual, 2020.
- "Blocking the Spread of Misinformation in a Network under Distinct Cost Models"
F.C. Erd, A.L. Vignatti, M.V.G. da Silva [pdf]
IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, virtual, 2020.
- "The Hidden Subgroup Problem and MKTP"
N.M. Sdroievski, M.V.G. da Silva, A.L. Vignatti [pdf]
Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 795, pp. 204-212, 2019.
- "The Chromatic Index of Proper Circular Arc Graphs of Odd Maximum Degree which are Chordal"
J.P.W. Bernardi, M.V.G. da Silva, A.L.P. Guedes, L.M. Zatesko [pdf]
X Latin and American Algorithms, Graphs and Optimization Symposium (LAGOS), Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 2019.
- "Structure and algorithms for (cap, even hole)-free graphs"
K. Cameron. M.V.G. da Silva, S. Huang, K. Vuskovic [pdf]
Discrete Mathematics, vol. 341(2) pp. 463-473, 2018.
- "An Optimal Algorithm for 3D Triangle Mesh Slicing"
R. Minetto, J. Stolfi, R.M.M.H. Gregori, N. Volpato, M.V.G. da Silva [pdf]
Computer Aided Design, vol. 92, pp. 1-10, 2017.
- "Minimum Vertex Cover in Generalized Random Graphs with Power Law Degree Distribution"
A.L. Vignatti, M.V.G. da Silva [pdf]
Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 647, pp. 101-111. 2016.
- "The k-in-a-tree problem for chordal graphs"
V.F. Santos, M.V.G. da Silva, J.L. Szwarcfiter [pdf]
Matematica Contemporanea, vol. 44, pp. 1-10. 2015.
- "Polynomial time algorithm for the k-in-a-tree problem on chordal graphs"
V.F. dos Santos, M.V.G. da Silva, J.L. Szwarcfiter [pdf]
13th Cologne-Twente Workshop on Graphs and
Combinatorial Optimization, Istanbul, Turkey, 2015.
- "Slicing Triangle Meshes: An asymptotically optimal algorithm"
R.M.M.H. Gregori, N. Volpato, R.Minetto, M.V.G. da Silva [pdf]
14th Int. Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications, Lisbon, Portugal, 2014.
- "Decomposition of even-hole-free graphs with star cutsets and 2-joins"
M.V.G. da Silva, K. Vušković [pdf]
Journal of Combinatorial Theory B, vol. 103, pp. 144-183. 2013.
- "Vertex Cover in Complex Networks"
M.O. da Silva, G.A. Gimenez-Lugo, M.V.G. da Silva [pdf]
International Journal of Modern Physics C, vol. 23 (1) 2013.
- "On forbidden induced subgraphs sandwich problem"
S. Dantas, C.M.H. de Figueiredo, M.V.G. da Silva, R.B. Teixeira [pdf]
Discrete Applied Mathematics, vol. 159, pp. 1717-1725. 2011.
- "Triangulated neighborhoods in even-hole-free graphs"
M.V.G. da Silva, K. Vušković [pdf]
Discrete Mathematics, vol. 307, pp. 1065-1073. 2007.